Well, SAFE can finally hang Mission Accomplished across their Aircraft Carrier , "The Pork Board" have supposedly conceded, National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) have issued the Animal Welfare code of 2010.
"Pig gestation stalls (sow crates) will be phased out by December 2015, Agriculture Minister David Carter announced today.
He made the announcement at the release of the Animal Welfare (Pigs) Code of Welfare 2010 at Parliament today.
New Zealand Pork chairman Chris Trengrove said his organisation supported the phasing out and would collaborate with the Government and the National Animal Welfare Committee to help farmers.
The change would give New Zealand pork producers an opportunity to differentiate themselves against global competitors, he said."
I received an email from the Pork Boards Sam McIvor today,
"Dear Stakeholder
Today the Minister of Agriculture David Carter announced the phasing out of gestation stalls for pigs by December 2015, as a result of recommendations by MAF’s National Animal Welfare Committee (NAWAC).
We wanted to let you know directly that New Zealand Pork is supporting this change to help change perceptions around the New Zealand pork industry.
We are collaborating with Government, NAWAC and farmers to bring about this next stage in pork production in New Zealand.
Today’s collaboration places New Zealand pork producers at the forefront of global animal welfare.
This initiative provides our industry the opportunity to differentiate itself against its global competitors who continue to use gestation stalls.
We recognise that this issue is no longer just a scientific argument of whether or not gestation stalls are better for sow welfare. Consumers prefer gestation stalls are not used – we have listened and we are making a change and removing them.
You will be aware, we have not had an easy run in recent times and we therefore also welcome your support for our position.
It is important to note that the recommendations from NAWAC being adopted are part of an ongoing planned programme by NAWAC to review animal welfare across all agricultural sectors so other sectors will be reviewed similarly.
We would like to work with all stakeholders throughout the value chain over coming years, including retailers, to help support New Zealand pork and in particular only stocking and selling products that have the same high animal welfare standards as we do here in New Zealand.
We are actively looking to the Government for full support and possible concessions for farmers on this initiative given the significance of the cost."
Notice in particular:
"New Zealand Pork is supporting this change to help change perceptions around the New Zealand pork industry."
"Today’s collaboration places New Zealand pork producers at the forefront of global animal welfare.
This initiative provides our industry the opportunity to differentiate itself against its global competitors who continue to use gestation stalls.
We recognise that this issue is no longer just a scientific argument of whether or not gestation stalls are better for sow welfare. Consumers prefer gestation stalls are not used – we have listened and we are making a change and removing them."
"An opportunity to differentiate themselves against global competitors", yes, we realise, now we can slap "Happy Meat!" labels on those little plastic packets of flesh. "We're soooooo humane!"
Of "perceptions", its all image, smoke and mirrors, branding, TERMS used, "Happy Meat!", of "being at the forefront of global animal welfare", We're number #1! We're number #1! Buy from us!
"This issue is no longer just a scientific argument....consumers prefer gestation stalls are not used - we have listened and we are making a change and removing them"
A parting shot, "you don't understand SCIENCE!" ;-)
Consumer demand CAN change supply, by promoting Veganism to consumers, we can cease the killings of these animals in the first place.
I covered the announcement of a "Mysterious Millionaire" who was funding SAFE to the tune of $2 Million, "and thats just the beginning". This was described as being the biggest threat to "factory farming" this country had ever faced!
For Episode 36, I was joined by fellow New Zealand Vegans Elizabeth Collins, Emmy James and William Paul, three Abolitionists who promote *Veganism* as the LEAST we can do for our fellow animals:
I hope I can do another group episode soon covering this "victory"
*UPDATE* And I did! This issue was covered on Episode 39 Victory Accomplished" *UPDATE*
And finally, here is today's news, breathlessly reported by SAFE:
In an unprecedented and surprising move the government has taken the first crucial step to improve pig welfare in New Zealand by announcing it will ban the use of sow stalls from 2016.
SAFE says it welcomes the announcement and is calling it a huge victory, although the group still remains disappointed that the ban excludes farrowing crates - an equally cruel confinement system.
"SAFE is delighted the government has finally accepted that sow stalls are cruel and in breach of welfare legislation. The five-year phase-out period, however, still means that over 15,000 sows will continue to suffer in sow stalls until 2016. It is great to know sow stalls are finally going after so much lobbying and campaigning but we remain mindful that pigs are not yet free," says SAFE director Hans Kriek.
"With a ban on sow stalls now in place, SAFE will focus its attention on farrowing crates, which are used by over 60 per cent of the pig industry. SAFE will continue to lobby for a ban on farrowing crates, as research shows these confinement systems are just as cruel as sow stalls," says Hans.
Since the government is unlikely to take further action in the short term, SAFE is stepping up its consumer focus and beginning to encourage supermarkets to take meaningful animal welfare initiatives by not stocking pork products from suppliers who continue to use sow stalls.
"It is up to consumers to get the pigs out of their cruel crates sooner than 2016," says Hans. "Eight out of ten New Zealanders are opposed to sow stalls and farrowing crates. SAFE plans to urge New Zealand supermarkets to follow the example of Coles, Australia's second largest supermarket chain, by refusing to buy pork from farms that still use sow stalls."
SAFE rarely has reason to congratulate a Minister of Agriculture but on this occasion, the organisation, acknowledges that this 5-year phase out to ban sow stalls is unprecedented and it could have been much longer, in line with most other countries. It demonstrates that public pressure works and that the government is committed to taking steps forward to help pigs in New Zealand.
SAFE wishes to thank everyone who has written letters, sent submissions or lobbied their politician in support of a ban on sow stalls. It is also fair to say it would not have been possible without the help of comedian Mike King. Thanks Mike!WHAT YOU CAN DO
1) Don't buy factory-farmed pork products.2) Make this Christmas pork-free since most hams available are from cruel factory farms.
3) Support the campaign by making a donation.
4) Email the Minister of Agriculture, David Carter, ( congratulating him for his decision and urging him to consider banning farrowing crates as these are equally cruel."
*UPDATE* this issue was covered on Episode 39 Victory Accomplished" *UPDATE*
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