****UPDATE**** ...and now a month later we HAVE donated the Ruby Roth childrens books on Veganism :-)
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Today I visited the Invercargill Public Library and was most surprised by the "Vegetarian" book section, quite a few books!

It reminds me of both ultra violent New Zealand movie classic "Once Were Warriors" (the "cook the man some.......eggs!" attitude to wife Beth Heke, WARNING FOR NON-ZEALAND READERS UNFAMILIAR WITH THIS FAMOUS MOVIE: SCENE DEPICTS A WOMAN BEING BEATEN BY HER PARTNER)
Also fresh in our minds, this photo from a local slaughterhouse employee of how they treat their partner, the first comment being "she know her place lol", to which the uploader mentions "she didnt have a choice i handcuffed her 2 the oven". A couple comments down, "Lol fuck yeah good bitch ;-P"
Back to the book "Skinny Bitch in the Kitch", where authors fresh off the success of the original "Skinny Bitch" are apparently trying to take the sting out of the word (Kitch) by repeatedly using it.
Every page seems to call loyal purchasers of this book, their product "bitch", AND while comparing themselves to stereotypically "filthy" animals too! Many pages reference "being a pig/cow" while eating food - while they advocate a Vegan diet to "...start looking fabulous!" Far from a Animal Rights work, advocating against speciesism then, eh!
The illustrated women - "skinny bitches" in the books terminology and self image - are stick thin waifs, lustfully consuming food wider than their torsos!
The illustrated women - "skinny bitches" in the books terminology and self image - are stick thin waifs, lustfully consuming food wider than their torsos!
"PMS - Pissy Mood Snacks"
"If a group of scientists conducted a study saying PMS was'nt "real", we'd kill them all. Then we'd stuff our faces like sows. This is what we'd eat."
"Hearty-Ass Sandwiches"
"The only thing better than pigging out on a big-ass sandwich? Getting seconds from off your own face. Moo! Chow down, cowgirls!"
Two chapter titlepages, chosen at random, this language is used throughout "Skinny Bitch in the Kitch"
If you're a "bicycle recycling" multiple personality Octomom who likes to "give birth at home, the natural way", with interests in being a "skinny bitch in the kitch" on a "vegan diet" so you "...look fabulous!", then the Invercargill Library is the place for you! :-)

I hope to donate copies of childrens books about Veganism "Vegan Is Love" and "Thats Why We Dont Eat Animals" to the childrens section of our library :-)

****UPDATE**** ...and now a month later we HAVE donated the Ruby Roth childrens books on Veganism :-)
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You have to check-out Veganomicon if you did not. The chickpea cutlets (as well as the book title) are fantastic! They're well worth a hefty late-fee ; ).