*** UPDATE ***
Day One of Newsletter Delivery : Numbers glued, stuck, stapled and riveted
Day Two of Newsletter Delivery : Gang HQ interrogations, Car Crashes, 911 Conspiracy Bumper Stickers and the South City Mall
Day Three of Newsletter Delivery : Fantastic skies, Closed Police Stations with antique telephones, shorts and white legs
A gorgeous day! Seriously, this photo is unedited, beautiful, FANTASTIC sky :-)
Day One of Newsletter Delivery : Numbers glued, stuck, stapled and riveted
Day Two of Newsletter Delivery : Gang HQ interrogations, Car Crashes, 911 Conspiracy Bumper Stickers and the South City Mall
Day Three of Newsletter Delivery : Fantastic skies, Closed Police Stations with antique telephones, shorts and white legs
A gorgeous day! Seriously, this photo is unedited, beautiful, FANTASTIC sky :-)

"No Hoodies" at the stationery shop?

I guess the Bic man gets away with his jersey though?
The house my paternal grandfather lived in, South City Mall in the background. He lived up top, my best friend growing up lived in the bottom :-) Sam used to pull all kinds of pranks on my poor grandfather, such as stealing his keys. As a very young child, he once released the handbrake of his mothers jaffa red Ford Escort, rolling it down the drive and onto the road!
A letterbox where you insert mail from the side!?!?
Cutout shapes! Very cool! The mailbox has a hinged flap, the whole thing swings in! :-)
It'll take a lot more than a closed footpath, traffic cones and fresh fenced off concrete to stop me putting a Green Party newsletter in THIS mailbox! The only thing that *could* stop me? Hmm, probably an "adressed mail only" warning.
The centre left Labour party have tried to stake this turf as THEIR patch, well, I'll see about that!
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One persons bucket is another persons.....mailbox? "Love" written inside heart on the side :-) The vehicle on the right has a "dirty at thirty" sign in the back....
"Hmm, what side of Invercargill am I on? OH, thanks graffiti!"
I love this, ok, so the South City suburb police station was all closed up, right?

Guess what you're meant to do......USE THIS CRAZY EMERGENCY TELEPHONE! Its a little tricky to ping the corroded old thing open.......
....and when you do....A FREAKING ROTARY DIAL TELEPHONE!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The sign above TELLS us that it SHOULD "direct dial", ie pick up the huge old handset, circa.....19......something!........and just HOPE that its patched in to the actual inner city Invercargill police station! :-)
Because, heck, if its NOT, then my generation has no clue at all how to twirl the rusted old dial round and round, "grrrrrrrggggggh....."as it ticks back round.......
"Help, help, police! Someone just stole my iPhone! They bashed me over the head with a "no junkmail unless you want to be brutally murdered" sign, and then grabbed my smartphone! Whaa.......the police are "closed"? What am I meant to do? ARGHHHHHHHHHHH! I'M BLEEDING TO DEATHHHHHH!!!!"
These lucky children have built a sprawling tree house all throughout this tall hedge! Platforms and lookouts from one end to the other!
"Dont jam junk in the mail slot"
Darn Invercargill City Council, no cycling or skateboarding at council flats?
More ominous warning signs "Suicide" if you try to pass one side of the bus!
Even this kindergarten! Smokers, Trespassers will be wheeled away with broken legs!
The weather held up all afternoon long
Could it be....? Elizabeth Street? My designated newsletter delivery run has reached its end????
Tay Street at the north, Elizabeth Street at the south, all done! I threw in part of McQuarrie Street for fun.

The Estuary Walkway (Google Images)
Solar Panels for electricity, water heating, well done! :-)
Hospital, this-a-way (Google Maps)
Well sorted, a two bin system!
Ladybird spotted on letterbox :-)
Three small groups of women were taking photos in the Otepuni Gardens (what kind of weirdos walk about with cameras taking damn photos all day!?!?!?!). Three fancy cars were parked behind, a Porsche, Alfa Romeo and most especially the Volkswagen.
These feet WEREN'T made for walking! :-) Heading to Pak n Save supermarket after completing newsletter deliveries.
All Good Bananas at Pak n Save, twice the price of the slave bananas, yet they always sell out! Literally, there was ONE pair left!!! Very considerate of everyone else to leave me a bunch after the days walking :-)

Day One of Newsletter Delivery : Numbers glued, stuck, stapled and riveted
Day Two of Newsletter Delivery : Gang HQ interrogations, Car Crashes, 911 Conspiracy Bumper Stickers and the South City Mall
Day Three of Newsletter Delivery : Fantastic skies, Closed Police Stations with antique telephones, shorts and white legs
Wonderful stuff, Jordan - you're on fire! Your posts are works of poetry/prose art and magic - all that and more. What a great time you are having! Congratulations on your well deserved literary award - lovely work!
ReplyDeleteOk, ok, you dont have to thank me THAT much for showing you how to read the newspaper for free! :-)
DeleteSadly, both the Times and I have an equal error rate.......but my bashed out rants are *always* free, and sometimes even corrected! :-)