*** UPDATE ***
Day One of Newsletter Delivery : Numbers glued, stuck, stapled and riveted
Day One of Newsletter Delivery : Numbers glued, stuck, stapled and riveted
Day Two of Newsletter Delivery : Gang HQ interrogations, Car Crashes, 911 Conspiracy Bumper Stickers and the South City Mall
Day Three of Newsletter Delivery : Fantastic skies, Closed Police Stations with antique telephones, shorts and white legs
My overall progress, blacked out in a trail of green pamphlets placed inside letterboxes. I respect "NO JUNKMAIL!!!!" warning signs, of which there are some fantastically angry examples!
Today I finished off the bottom quarter or so of the permanent marker-ed out grid.

The Appleby Tavern, known for being a little...."rough around the edges". A good place to catch your friends playing in their punk band though! (location on Google Maps)

We're promised ten dollar meals, and buxom blonde busty boozed-up bombshells. President Hillary Clinton after finally getting the top job?
Just around the corner from "the Appleby" is the Road Knights gang headquarters, where you're greeted by this huge fence.
Its been restored well after the massive fire, the hole in the middle (where theres now a door) used to have a little balcony, as seen in this inferno photo:
The main enemies of the "Road Knights", "The Mighty Mongrel Mob", seen watching a fire at *their* headquarters.
I took the photo of the door in the fence, then walked a few metres away to take the above whole house photo.....and then a GUY popped up at the top of the fence!
No kidding, I had my hands up, just having hit the shutter button when the man appeared! "Why'd ya take a photo of our door?" he said, I was....to be polite......scared as heck! Trying to be reasonably confident, I told the truth, I remembered the huge fire, and was taking a photo of how the building looked now. I told the gang member, who was a good 3, 4 metres high up into the air at the top of his watchpost hidden just behind the massive fence I was on a pamphlet run, delivering pamphlets.
I asked him if he'd like a Green Party pamphlet, and reached up with all my strength, he was damn high up! He took it, I kind of nodded with a small smile, and kept going. This Green Party newsletter delivery run can *really* get the heart racing! As I left, I thought about how this watchman must man his post all hours of the day and night, on this hot Southland day, he was just metres behind that fence. No less than twenty seconds had passed total since I'd stopped to take the first photo, then stopped to take the second photo when he appeared atop the outpost at the top. There must be stairs or a ramp or something on their side, a platform of some kind. I didnt hear any climbing, he just seemed to be "there".
Walking away, I tried to stay at least reasonably confident, if I was going to be SHOT in the back or whatever, I might as well die like a trying-to-look-calm-man, rather than running for my life!

Click to read more
"The New Zealand Drug Detection Agency", who perform urine tests etc for companies. I'm reminded of this comment from a slaughterhouse worker :
""Well even though bsm (Blue Sky Meats) doesn't do halal killing, at least we work for a company who rarely gets into trouble, who allows employees to wear iPods, pays better and not many ppl has cut themselves on the saw. Also bsm doesn't do random drug testing either, so overall bsm rules while spm (South Pacific Meats) sucks.")"
Finishing off the blocks letterboxes, I turned back onto Nith Street, crossing, I heard a HELL of a bang......as I was exactly a block away, crossing the same street the intersection down, two cars crashed into each other!
They were ok, although the two pedestrians on the right were laughing, the cars drove to the side of the road to sort it out, swap insurance etc.
Circling the blocks mailboxes, I came to the spot of the crash, where they were still sorting it out, where there was glass left on the road:
A Ford limousine in South Invercargill, "Pimpin" decal on the window! You can see one of the Green Party newsletters in my hand as I took the photo :-)
A rather cool letterbox idea, built into the pillar - hey, why have some rectangular box sitting on top of a post, when the post itself can be DESIGNED as a letterbox!
Beautiful paintwork!
Another smashed up car, parked literally a block away from the car crash I witnessed. (Google Maps location, shows Maori meetinghouse, marae)
A highschool friend grew up on Dalrymple Street, those intersections just there have a heck of a lot of accidents. People simply dont give way, they plough through......SMASH.
Southland Boxing and Fitness

On Dalrymple further down, some Hens ran to see me behind their wire cage
Car crashes, gang members on your case for taking a photo of their formerly burnt out headquarters? Dont worry, be happy! :-)
A fantastic day. Photo taken on Dalrymple Street ( Google Maps location, Streetview )
A house with solar water heating on the roof, energy smart!
GORGEOUS house!!!! Stone, with that beautiful roof, looks very "stock haunted house", but what design! I love the look of solid stone houses :-)
I bet THIS guy* gets good reception! :-) I was very tempted to knock on the door and ask him about all his equipment, but I'd gotten in enough trouble for the day!
*very sexist, but how many women choose to outfit their front section with FIVE satellite dishes, including two gigantic models, with two standard terrestrial aerials as well, and a SIXTH satellite dish hanging off the rear of the house?!?
Crazy, tiny old car
"Infowars" bumper stickers, about how "9-11 was an inside job"
"Quick! Get Me a COFFEE before I KILL someone!" at Night and Day South City. Earlier I thought I'd be killed for taking a photo of a gang HQ! :-)
"Six Fresh Eggs", these are from the same "egg farm" where my Rescued Hen Friends were saved from, when they got to the age that their female cycle slowed, my friends take in Hens to save them being killed.
This is what we did to my Hen Friends, to Hurt Hen in particular. A friend txt me while I was delivering Green Party newsletters, asking me about a certain brand of birds eggs, knowing I was vegan. I said how it was best to buy NOBODIES eggs, in the case of a human female, she is born with all the eggs she'll ever need, and "the good lord" never intended her to have a single one more! (unlike human males who constantly replenish their sex cells. Why am I talking about "sex cells"? Havnt you noticed how random my mailbox pamphleting across South Invercargill gets by now? :-))
Go Vegan :-)
Sitting across from New World Elles Road, although you wont see it on the Google Maps streetview imagery, theres obviously now seating at this corner :-)
South City Mall, mostly vacant, beautiful glass roof though - someone should build a museum in there, with the Mona Lisa inside! Or - EVEN BETTER! An Apple store!
I like how ".....reserve their right to prosecute any offenders...." has been scratched out to look like "ghtto" :-)
Beautiful "retro" roof!
Inside the little cubicle in the centre, you're offered "unique relaxation massage" from a very smiley woman :-)

"let me help you reduce/releive [sic] those chronic aches and pains"
Another mall store, nothing over two dollars, bargain!

Theres some kind of meeting on View Street, misspelt as "veiw" :-)
I've grown up around the South City Mall, never knew it had toilets? Or, I'd forgotten anyway.
"Close door after use..." ? I'll close door DURING use too thanks! :-)
Not that that'll do much, some guy'll just come in through the broken toilet window!
Beautiful blue sky
I'd love to get involved with South Alive, a local community group really working hard to make South Invercargill a fantastic place to live.
The Southland Times "Project Aims To Breathe Life Into South City"
Walking home on a glorious Invercargill day :-) View from Ettrick Street on Google Maps streetview
"WUVYOU FOREVER!" :-) They really MUST be in love, personalized plates cost around $800 NZD! You can buy a tidy looking mid 90's Honda for ~$2000
I hope to finish delivering the rest of the newsletters one day soon :-)
*** UPDATE ***
Day One of Newsletter Delivery : Numbers glued, stuck, stapled and riveted
Day Two of Newsletter Delivery : Gang HQ interrogations, Car Crashes, 911 Conspiracy Bumper Stickers and the South City Mall
Day Three of Newsletter Delivery : Fantastic skies, Closed Police Stations with antique telephones, shorts and white legs
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